So/Sun, 02.03., 14:00: Vegan Anarchist Pizza Brunch
We are a group of vegan anarchists who don’t just concentrate our efforts on animal exploitation but also see the link between veganism and anarchism. Both entail the respect for all forms of life no matter what background, race, culture, gender, sexual preference, age or species.Our goal is to organise an info-day where people can come and exchange ideas and experiences and at the same time have access to good vegan food at an affordable price. The money raised at these events will go to support our veganarchist distro for publishing and distributing related info-material for little or no-money, and to support other projects that work against animal and earth exploitation.
Di/Tue, 04.03., 20:00: Küche für Alle + HipHopTresen
So/Sun, 09.03., 13:00: munch_mob Brunch
We are an open group organizing a vegan soli-brunch for different purposes monthly. We offer a wide variety of homemade dishes from spreads to cakes with a special focus on gluten-free food as well as cold drinks, tea and coffee zapatista. As often as we can we combine the event with information about the donation purpose (flyers, a movie, an informative talk etc.). We are welcoming new people – just meet us at one of our delicious brunches!
Di/Tue, 11.03., 20:00: Vegan Cakes Festival
An AntiRa Vegan Soli (für Bleiberecht) Cakes Festival, to warm up this winter with beautiful and delicious Cakes, Coffee, Tea and Hot Chocolate. All vegan, with gluten-free options, love and dedication. Also soup, some snacks, table-tennis, Kicker and music. Wheelchair accessible (entrance and toilette). Eintritt: Spende.
Mi/Wed, 12.03., 20:00: SOL-Berlin Vokü
Unsere Premiere könnt ihr echt nicht verpassen:
– rauchfrei drinnen rauchvoll draußen –
werden einige Leckereien serviert!
Mit den Spenden möchten wir ein neues Hausprojekt gründen,
um mehr freie Räume in Berlin zu sichern.
Kommt zahlreich 🙂
Do/Thu, 13.03., 20:00: Elotitos Solibar + Vokü
Mit den Einnahmen unterstützen wir den Betrieb des sozialen Zentrums in Xela, Guatemala, das als Basis für kulturelle und Menschenrechtsprojekte zur Unterstützung indigener Gemeinden im Widerstand (z. B. gegen Megaprojekte, Landraub und die allgemeine kapitalistische Verwertungslogik) dient. Das Projekt ist offen und arbeitet mit unabhängigen Organisationen, Gruppen und Einzelpersonen aus Guatemala und dem Rest der Welt zusammen.
Wie immer mit der leckeren Reis-Bohnen-Tortillas-Vokü, Kicker, Tischtennis und super Mucke!
We support the installation of a social centre in Xela, Guatemala, which serves as base for cultural and Human Rights activities in support of indigenous communities in resistance (against megaprojects, land robbery, neoliberalism in general). The project is open and works with independent organisations, communities and individuals from Guatemala and all over the world – libertary and horizontal.
As always with rice-beans-tortillas-vokü, kicker, table tennis and super music!
Fr/Fri, 14.03., 18:00: Crypto Party with Pizza Vokü (Crypto Party starts at 20:00)
Wir werden überwacht doch das ist uns ZWdhbAo=!
Lernen, wie man Privatsphäre und Anonymität schützt. In entspannter Umgebung.
Bringt eure Computer, Telefone und alten USB-Sticks mit, denn alles kann gleich ausprobiert werden.
Attend a CryptoParty to learn and teach how to use basic cryptography tools. A CryptoParty is free, public and fun. People bring their computers, mobile devices, and a willingness to learn! CryptoParty is a decentralized, global initiative to introduce the most basic cryptography software and the fundamental concepts of their operation to the general public, such as the Tor anonymity network, public key encryption (PGP/GPG), and OTR (Off The Record messaging). CryptoParties are free to attend, public, and commercially and politically non-aligned.