Programm Mai // program may 2/2

So/Sun, 18.05., 14:00: Vegan Anarchist Pizza Brunch

We are a group of vegan anarchists who don’t just concentrate our efforts on animal exploitation but also see the link between veganism and anarchism. Both entail the respect for all forms of life no matter what background, race, culture, gender, sexual preference, age or species.Our goal is to organise an info-day where people can come and exchange ideas and experiences and at the same time have access to good vegan food at an affordable price. The money raised at these events will go to support our veganarchist distro for publishing and distributing related info-material for little or no-money, and to support other projects that work against animal and earth exploitation.

So/Sun, 18.05., 19:00: Calais Migrant Solidarity Bar+Vokü

Calais, a city in nothern France, is a gathering point for many migrants, who live there with the aim of crossing over the Channel Tunnel (La Manche) to Britain. Since entering the UK legally is not an option for these people, they attempt to find other ways to cross to the other side of the french-english border, facing real danger and oppression and even risking their lives.
The situation in Calais is only one of many examples of the consequences of European migration policies. Lets fight against the visible and invisible borders that these policies bring about.

Di/Tue, 20.05., 20:00: HipHop Bar + KüfA

Do/Thu, 22.05., 20:00: Elotitos Solibar + Vokü

This time at Elotitos we show the documentary “el oro o la vida” (Life for Gold, span. with engl. subtitles, 57 min.).
Synopsis: During the last few years, mining multinational corporations are invading Central America. Goldcorp is an example of this, a Canadian mining corporation with the greatest territorial expansion in the region, and we’re already seeing the results of its operations: contamination, disease, community division, and the criminalization of social protest.
In Honduras and El Salvador, indignation and organization are rising. In Guatemala, through Community Consultations, more then 50 Mayan communities have decided to stop the expansion of mining.
Before there will be rice-beans-tortillas-vokü, Soli like always for the social centre in Guatemala.

Fr/Fri, 23.05., 21:00: Tresen der Anarchistischen Gruppe Neukölln

Di/Tue, 27.05., 20:00: Rodri’s Vokü

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